bust up drawing of alayna (black bunny ears and tail, black hair, glasses, smiling face with blush, beige jacket and blue undershirt, red bowtie collar). when hovered over, her ears straighten up and eyes become comical white dots, with an open smile.
2 frame animation of alayna in a hardhat, riding a jackhammer with a smiling face. she is drilling on a large yellow rectangle with wavy top and bottom, orange horizontal stripes, and text that reads under construction. pixel art icon for the taptroupe website, the background is of subtle black-white polka dots and a tall tapper from rhythm heaven's rectangular white smiling face, grey box helmet, and red bowtie. there is text beside it that says Taptroupe, and red bowtie on top. pixel art icon for the chocoboranch website, the background is bright yellow with brown border, with footsteps resembling a bird. a chocobo from final fantasy adorns the right part of the icon. there is text beside it that says Chocobo Ranch, white with brown border. pixel art icon for the platinumtulip website, the background is black with pink border, and a symbol of a muted pink tulip in front of a cresent moon. on the right is text that says platinumtulip, underlined, and then below is digital garden. text is in muted pinks as well. banner for kelszzles.com website. the banner says kelszzles.com in cream text on a green background, with green vines and orange and yellow flowers growing around it. banner for cutegallery neocities website. the banner says cute gallery with a white-pink polka dot background, pink and black lace top border, and a thick rounded pink border around all of this, plus a pink bow on the top left. pixel art icon for the thingybobinc website, the background is a yellow-orange polkadots, with a bee-themed kirby icon to the left which also has a nice brown hat. there is text beside it that says beekirby within a rounded border.

welcome to alayna neocities page. WHEEEEEEE

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taptroupe @ inprnt

you have clicked the little alayna 0 times. congrats

small pixel icon of the moonlight sword small pixel icon of the moonlight sword
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