this is for me don't touch

how to add person to citizens of verdite

  1. put info on webring site
  2. get markup
  3. change markup to include home website
  4. give to person
  5. suggest styles like on the website
  6. include imagemap, images if asked
  7. add their info to cov site also
pixel art drawing of grassy green hills and a castle and houses in the background, against a blue starry sky. there is yellow calligraphy text saying 'Citizens of Verdite, Fromsoftware Webring est. 2022.' superimposed on this art is the moonlight sword from king's field, and two yellow-blue arrow buttons each pointing left or right. there is also two buttons below the moonlight sword in the same style as the directional buttons, but are more elongated and say 'home' and 'random' respectively. the moonlight sword animation, if activated, shows the sword spinning left to right. small pixel icon of the moonlight sword

do NOT let them hotlink this!

example of styled webring

  <div style="border: 0.5vw ridge cyan;padding:10px;max-width:500px;text-align:center">
<img src="images/favicon.ico" style="float:right" alt="small pixel icon of the moonlight sword">
<img src="images/favicon.ico" style="float:left" alt="small pixel icon of the moonlight sword">
<table style="margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;">
		<td colspan="3">This site is part of the <a href="">Citizens of Verdite webring.</a></td>
		<td><a href="">Previous Site</a></td>
		<td><a href="">Random Site</a></td>
		<td><a href="">Next Site</a></td>

example of imagemap webring

  <img src="images/citizens of verdite.png" id="webring" usemap="#web" 
  alt="pixel art drawing of grassy green hills and a castle and houses in the background, against a blue starry sky. 
  there is yellow calligraphy text saying 'Citizens of Verdite, Fromsoftware Webring est. 2022.' superimposed on this art 
  is the moonlight sword from king's field, and two yellow-blue arrow buttons each pointing left or right. there is also two 
  buttons below the moonlight sword in the same style as the directional buttons, but are more elongated and say 'home' and 'random' 
  respectively. the moonlight sword animation, if activated, shows the sword spinning left to right.">
<map name="web">
  <area shape="rect" coords="8,102,52,144" alt="Previous website button" href="">
  <area shape="rect" coords="268,102,312,144" alt="Next website button" href="">
  <area shape="rect" coords="62,174,150,199" alt="Webring home button" href="">
  <area shape="rect" coords="167,174,255,199" alt="Random website button" href="">
pixel art drawing of grassy green hills and a castle and houses in the background, against a blue starry sky. there is yellow calligraphy text saying 'Citizens of Verdite, Fromsoftware Webring est. 2022.' superimposed on this art is the moonlight sword from king's field, and two yellow-blue arrow buttons each pointing left or right. there is also two buttons below the moonlight sword in the same style as the directional buttons, but are more elongated and say 'home' and 'random' respectively. the moonlight sword animation, if activated, shows the sword spinning left to right. Previous website button Next website button Webring home button Random website button pixel art drawing of grassy green hills and a castle and houses in the background, against a blue starry sky. there is yellow calligraphy text saying 'Citizens of Verdite, Fromsoftware Webring est. 2022.' superimposed on this art is the moonlight sword from king's field, and two yellow-blue arrow buttons each pointing left or right. there is also two buttons below the moonlight sword in the same style as the directional buttons, but are more elongated and say 'home' and 'random' respectively. the moonlight sword animation, if activated, shows the sword spinning left to right. Previous website button Next website button Webring home button Random website button
small pixel icon of the moonlight sword small pixel icon of the moonlight sword
This site is part of the Citizens of Verdite webring.
Previous Site Random Site Next Site