Nintendo DREAM Vol. 90 (RUNE II Article)

front and back cover scans of the Nintendo DREAM Vol. 89. the front has various earthbound characters in clay models (ness, paula, poo, jeff) superimopsed on a red background, with mr saturn taking the largest part of the page. there are various headlines in japanese. the back is an ad for harvest moon: friends of mineral town, featuring many characters and animals in a collage with a white background. each drawing has a dotted cut out line around it. in the bottom of the ad are game screenshots, a website address, and the game's logo.

"Angel Liz, descending from the heavens."

This is a cleaned up scan of an article found in Nintendo DREAM featuring Lost Kingdoms 2, known as RUNE II in Japan. 

I used an advert of the game for the thumbnail/title page of the article, and page 24 of this file is a scan of the magazine's insert which originally made up page 17-18. 

Inside the magazine's insert is a RUNE II demo disk, containing a short section of the game to experience as well as a special outfit for the main character, Liz/Tara Grimface.

Download it off the drive!

Oh and here's the original descriptions I made on Twitter/Tumblr:

Angel Liz descends from Heaven! (seriously it says that)

It's Nintendo Dream's huge 30 page article on Lost Kingdoms 2, and this walkthrough/demodisk/contest/stickersheet/interview/throwback is AWESOME!!! Scanned and edited by yours truly, please enjoy!!!

Angel Liz descends from Heaven! 

Nintendo DREAM’s 30 page bonanza on Lost Kingdoms 2!! this is THE volume that included the demo disk, but it’s so much more than that - it’s packed to the brim with wonderful information!!! read more if you’d like to know of the specific details, and check out the article itself here! 

The sections are as follows: 

basically it’s a lot. also, check out the magazine scans themselves, as it also includes advertisements for LK2, a small section on LK’s four legendary creatures, and fanart of katia and tara!!!