 Unofficial In-game Soundtrack

 As you might know, Evergrace's in-game music differs greatly from the CD version. Some might consider the CD to be the optimal version - and considering Kota Hoshino and FreQuency got together to work on that CD, it might just be Hoshino's more realized version, too. That being said, some people wanna listen to the music they heard in the game! It really does make a difference! It really brings back memories! And with that, please enjoy the music that played in Fromsoftware's PS2 launch title dress up RPG - just the way it sounds when you're playing it.

 I started this project over on Youtube in the year 2020, mostly because the video on Youtube of Piercing the Heavens had a weird audio hiccup in it. So I got on PCSX2, got Audacity open, and made my own recording. And two years later, here we are, huh? 15 recordings and many long video descriptions later, now we have enough to fill up a nice bootlegged CD, haha! I'll keep it short here for now, but really, thank you all for your interesting comments about Evergrace and the things that make it what it is.

 I drew the art you see on the right of our two protagonists resting under the shade of autumn trees... Sunbeams streaming through the trees on the bros. Hehe. I love them very much. If you so desire, please feel free to download the jewel case template and make your own Evergrace Unofficial In-game Soundtrack CD, I've even made a little how-to page you can click to up above. Evergrace's soundtrack goes for well over hundreds of dollars these days, and making your own mixtapes is a very nostalgic thing, so I hope you'll try making your very own piece of cool merch.

 And if you haven't checked out the videos yet, here's the video playlist on Youtube down below :) Like I said, I wrote many long video descriptions for each video, so if you wanna hear more of me talking about Evergrace, there's that. Oh, and I made each thumbnail myself! If you'd like to use them for any reason, feel free to download them off imgur here.

  1. EG Expression I - The Wind of Rieubane
  2. EG Expression II - Will
  3. EG Expression III - Incident
  4. Sunbeams Streaming Through Trees on the Hill
  5. Buying Goods with Palmira
  6. Sounds of the Cavern
  7. Howl
  8. AI Crest
  9. Castle of Regression
  10. That Which Was Seen in the Circle
  11. Red Breeze
  12. Piercing the Heavens
  13. Edge of the World
  14. EG Expression IV - Parting with Sienna*
  15. EG Expression V - Omen

*As of this print, Parting with Sienna is incompletely recorded.
Let me know if you can fix this.