Even I have standards for what I won't and will document on this website! So that children do not end up reading NSFW Lost Kingdoms anonymously written fanfic from the year 2003!
...Yeah. Anyways, I have a small amount of stuff I don't want to put out in the public, ranging from NSFW fics/art to personal translations of fanwork. Or sometimes just something weird Fromsoftware puts out and I refuse to keep files of that on my computer.
But you! Maybe you have some valid reason or something I dunno. If you'd ever like to pick my brain for all the miscellaneous archive stuff I have, feel free to email me at any time. I will give out as much info as I am willing to share. I have a sample list of things you might want to know about below:
As always, my email is pearhi at hotmail dot com! You can really email me about whatever, I will try not to bite.