photo of a bootleg forever kingdom ps2 game box on a wood table. the illustration shows darius, faeana, and ruyan plus the forever kingdom logo, but the font is slightly off. instead of ps2 logos there is a company called playgame 2. photo of back of bootleg forever kingdom game box. it shows screenshots of the game, plus a synopsis in a very basic looking font. there is an illustration of drumhort. the game specs are inaccurate, such as stating that the game supports 1-2 players.

oh my god what is this

Forever Kingdom for the PlayGame 2. You playing?

Stumbled across this on Twitter once and asked the eBay seller if I could share these images. I love bootlegs so this rocks, but... Also.... Why?

Wayback link

eBay Link. May break one day, who knows, life is fleeting

Imgur link.

BONUS: Also just as funny is the seller's reply when I asked about sharing the photos.

text in email that reads: Sure. previous email read: Hello! I'm a fan of Forever Kingdom, as well as a fan of video game history. Would it be alright to save your photos to - but there is more text cut off.